How will 2020 be remembered? There are too many events to mention in Japan alone, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the resignation of the Prime Minister.
The Lifestyle Design Center, too, did not emerge unaffected from this tumultuous year. The exhibitions and events we had planned were either cancelled, postponed, scaled down, or modified. It was a year in which the Center took another look at itself as an organization that explores the roots of life. It seems our daily lives do not catch our attention unless we are in a state of emergency.
This exhibition presents all kinds of materials belonging to the Center, which were tucked away in the back room It displays VHS tapes that chronicle past activities, a walking guide that was published at the time of the Center’s opening, miscellaneous items from previous exhibitions, and some items from cancelled events. It also offers a peek of upcoming events.
The exhibit captures the 23-year history of the Center that has reflected on lifestyles over the years. You may find something that provides a hint into future lifestyles. At this exhibition that makes full use of the partially renovated gallery space, visitors can enjoy viewing the treasure trove of records and items that were kept in the back room.
生活工房のバックヤードの様子 写真:アカセユキ
聖火が東京を走るはずだった2020年7月の2週間、火と人間の長いかかわり合いについて考える展覧会を開催する予定でした。人類が火を使用するようになってからの約100万年を振り返りながら、火と人のこれからを探るべく、計画中でした。会場では、企画を形づくるまでになされた議論の場を再現し、展覧会というアウトプットを模索する様子をご覧いただけます。また、火と人の結びつきが見て取れる世界各地の民族学映像12 本もループ上映します。