Living in harmony with nature, people have passed on life to the next generation by receiving nature’s blessings since time unknown. In this exhibition, painter Isao Makino introduces his works, which are a product of his observation of such human activities, and related projects that he has been involved in.
His latest Children’s book, Shio Otoko (literally translated as “The Salt Man,” published by AKANE SHOBO Publishing ), is introduced in the first half of the exhibition, the Salt Section. This book was inspired by a coastal saltworks located at the Itoshima Peninsula, Fukuoka Prefecture. The book’s world is introduced by an over 10-meter-long mural, along with the book’s original illustrations and sketches drawn while visiting the saltworks, as well as other related materials.
The exhibition’s second half, the Cedar Section, introduces the activities in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture and Hita City, Oita Prefecture that Makino has been involved in.
About 13 years ago, Makino was taken to an established furniture maker named Hida Sangyo by his friend and art director. Makino eventually became involved in the production of this furniture maker’s public relations brochure, which led to a variety of other activities including the design of a kitchen cart.
As for the activities in Hita City, Makino first visited the city to draw loggers working in the mountains. This led to the joint establishment of a group called Yabukuguri with local residents for the purpose of supporting the region’s forestry. Including the development of a “forestry experience lunchbox” product named Hita Kikorimeshi and the production of furniture, the exhibition introduces the unique activities provided by the group with the slogan “Look at the Forest, Now!”
Sadly, it has become the norm today to pursue efficiency and convenience. We hope this exhibition will inspire you to reflect on the starting point of lifestyles and to think about its richness.
絵本『塩男』(2023年/あかね書房)表紙 ※会期中、牧野伊三夫関連書籍をTSUTAYA三軒茶屋店(生活工房ギャラリー階下)にて販売中
左:杉の丸太に見立てた牛蒡を小さな木製のノコギリで切って食べる日本初の林業体験弁当「日田 きこりめし」/2012年/企画:ヤブクグリ生活道具研究室, 販売:寶屋
◎ヤブクグリ WEBサイト
◎美術同人誌『四月と十月』 WEBサイト
◎北九州市広報誌『雲のうえ』 WEBサイト