People have continually depicted animals, humans alongside animals, and humans as animals as a form of expression since ancient times. This exhibition reopens old channels and creates new ones “between animals and humans” on the subject of depicting animals, which encompasses not only drawing and painting, but also poetry, music, theater, and dance, tracing research undertaken across the globe by researchers in the fields of anthropology, art, biology, and comparative literature, as well as meditations on the subject by artists.
What is it about animals that attracts and enchants us so much? While we would be terrified to meet a living bear, teddy bears are our dearest companions. We see ourselves in games featuring monsters that are half-human, half-beast, create music pieces inspired by the buzzing of bees’ wings, contemplate the lives of whales in faraway oceans, and the list goes on. Animals are a source of human emotion and imagination, and our lives continue to be influenced by narratives from the numerous myths and fables that depict animals and humans. Meanwhile, many people have abandoned the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and place humans at the center and apex of life on our planet. This has contributed to the destruction of the environments in which they live.
Surely now is the time for humans to remember that we belong to the animal kingdom and should act in harmony with our fellow animals? In consideration of this question, this exhibition showcases paintings and installations created by several artists, as well as materials, images, and other ephemera collected by researchers at research sites. Through this, visitors can fully understand the connectivity and possibilities that interactions between animals and humans can offer. Panels and workshops will also be held during the exhibition period, providing a space to examine the physical and mental changes that occur in both animals and humans.
五十嵐大介(漫画家)、 石倉敏明(人類学者)、大石侑香(エスノグラファー)、大小島真木(アーティスト)、小田隆(画家、イラストレーター、大学教員)、ケイトリン・コーカー(ダンサー、人類学者)、鴻池朋子(アーティスト) 、齋藤亜矢(認知科学者)、管啓次郎(詩人)、菅原和孝(人類学者)、竹川大介(人類学者、漫画家)、長坂有希(アーティスト )、永沢碧衣(アーティスト)、西澤真樹子(なにわホネホネ団 団長、大阪市立自然史博物館外来研究員)、丹羽朋子(人類学者)、根本裕子(陶芸家)、長谷川朋広(ゲームクリエイター、アートディレクター)、盛口満(作家、イラストレーター、理科教師 )、山口未花子(人類学者)、吉田ゆか子(人類学者)
展覧会協力の研究者・アーティストたちによる書籍『〈動物をえがく〉人類学 ー 人はなぜ動物にひかれるのか』が2024年12月下旬、岩波書店より出版されます。
〒154-0004 東京都世田谷区太子堂 4-28-10 鈴木ビル3F・屋上
会場風景 撮影:澤木亮平
《野良犬》 根本裕子 撮影:三浦晴子
行山流舞川鹿子躍 撮影:石倉敏明
《ボードゲーム すごろく地図》 鴻池朋子
《Heart To Face》 永沢碧衣