What are Our Bodies Losing?
As a design researcher, Koichi Inoue has traveled around the world since the 1970s, continuing to carry out field research from a design perspective. He has frequently visited mainly mountainous regions and border areas of Asia. There, he noticed that the local people who maintain a traditional lifestyle do not need high European-style chairs; they go about their lives in a squatting position (e.g., relaxing, eating, cooking, craft making, rowing, studying), resting with both feet flat on the ground and knees pointed up, using a low stool when necessary.
Inoue named this position “that way of sitting”, and continued to travel all over the world, creating a photographic record of people doing something or another in this pose. Nearby there is sometimes a low stool not any higher than 10 centimeters. It is not a piece of furniture that can be called a chair. Its role is simply to help people maintain the squatting position for a longer period. In recent years, Inoue has been collecting such stools as much as possible.
For anyone who is used to sitting in a chair, “that way of sitting” is likely not relaxing by any means. However, people who are used to this position may be given a chair and still sit that way on the chair. In the course of studying many clay figure poses and historical literature up to the modern day, Inoue discovered that this position was also a part of the lives of Japanese people. Furthermore, realizing that “that way of sitting” was the primordial excretion pose of animals walking on two legs, he set off to Africa, the birthplace of humankind, in hopes of finding more about “that way of sitting”.
All over Africa, where the climate, customs, and people’s figures differ from region to region, Inoue witnessed numerous examples of “that way of sitting” and stools that aided this position. One day, on the banks of the Niger River in Mali, Inoue met a woman who was waiting for a ferryboat that will come who knows when. She was sitting on her own stool but let Inoue sit on it upon his request. She then continued to wait for the ferry in “that way of sitting”. In this example, we can observe the inherent physical ability of humans that does not depend on any object, an ability which has been developed over the long course of the history of human migration.
This exhibition displays 200 enormous photographs taken in Asia and Africa and more than 30 stools collected over Koichi Inoue’s over 30 years of field research on <squatting>. By also interweaving archive footages, this exhibition explores <squatting> through a journey that examines seats from a historical and architectural viewpoint, and the relationship between chairs and wandering versus settled societies.
右側の男子は地べたにすわり、真ん中の男子は「あの坐り方」をし、左側の女子は低い腰かけにすわっている。望遠レンズで撮影したもの。こちらに気付くとさっといなくなってしまった。(タイ、1999年) 撮影:井上耕一
チャパティを焼く(インド、2008年) 撮影:井上耕一
主な展示物 *一部を除き、腰かけにはすわることができます
「羽毛の飾り紐づくり」(タイ/アカ族/1965年 ※写真左)、「麻織の縦糸の仕掛け」(タイ/メオ族/1965年)、「羊毛刈りとフエルトづくり」(アフガニスタン/パシュトゥン族/1963年)、「パン焼き」(アフガニスタン/タジク族/1963年)、「銀細工」(イエメン/アラビア人/1966年 ※写真右)、「スツールの彫刻と装飾」(中央スーダン/ハッダド族/1964年)、「象牙の腕輪づくり」(西アフリカ/カッセナ族/1955年)、「皮革の加工」(南エチオピア/ダラッサ族、シダモ族/1950年)、「テントづくりと組み立て」(モロッコ/ベニ・ムギルト族/1964年)、「水汲み場での物々交換」(カラハリ砂漠/コ・ブッシュマン/1970年)、「楯と槍の模擬戦」(南東サハラ/ウニア族/1955年)、「打楽器の演奏」(西アフリカ/バウレ族/1968年)